The Silent March
To explain the ancient archeological history of our solar system cannot be done with just a couple of paragraphs. Colossal volumes of written text will have been manifested with the understanding of majestic and ancient structures once people properly understand what orbits and continues to orbit our solar system. In this next blog and blog-cast, we are going to announce our intent to re-examine the solar system. All of its known and unknown items which involve archaic artifacts. What does this mean for the human race? How is the human race connected to the Masonic order? How has that order kept the knowledge of these archaic structures down through time, through its long and storied history of existence. The antiquities of this solar system include structures on the moon, structures on the planet Mars, and of course, Iapetus, the moon of Saturn, shown in the image below. There are also derelict spaceships in our 'asteroid belt’, and in our “Oort Cloud”. W...